EGTEVENT: Mastering Product Launches in Istanbul with Targeted Marketing

EGTEVENT Guide to Mastering Product Launches in Istanbul with Targeted Marketing

The thing about putting a new product on the market is that it is both exciting and difficult. This is particularly true when the launch is done in a city like Istanbul which teems with life and activity. In order for you to have a successful product launch in Istanbul , we have compiled an all-inclusive guide featuring step by step instructions from strategic planning to targeted marketing based on our experience as EGTEVENTS. Let us start by click: istanbul da etkinlik

Stage 1: Collaborate with Experts

If you want your products to be launched successfully in Istanbul then partnering with a local event management company such as EGTEVENT can prove very helpful. We know the market well and have organized many launches before this so we are best placed when it comes to planning and execution skills.

Key Actions:

Consult about target audience- To customize your launching strategy according to their preferences, we assist you in identifying who they are.

Give Insights Regarding Locals – Having lived here for long; there’re things about Turkish culture, trends or even peculiarities of doing business which if not taken into account could lead into failure during an event meant for introducing goods/services within this locality.

Step 2: Organize A Memorable Launch Event

Creating an unforgettable event is important because it will create hype around your new product. Our team at EGTEVENT can handle everything from selecting venues, designing events up until logistics just to ensure that nothing goes wrong during this time of introduction.

Key Actions: 

Choose Engaging Theme – We help in coming up with ideas that relate well with what you’re selling but still appeals most to people living within Istanbul city limits being part of its target population. 

Incorporate Interactive Elements- Activities incorporated into these gatherings should be those which require participation through touching or feeling thereby leaving indelible memories behind them among participants who attend such functions where different goods/services are introduced concurrently. istanbul etkinlik

Step 3: Use Targeted Marketing Methods

We understand the market better than anyone else hence we can use this knowledge when coming up with strategies designed for reaching out to many potential customers during product launching ceremonies held within Istanbul.

Key Actions:

Social Media Influencers – Our influencers come from various parts of town thus ensuring that your message gets across widely since they have more followers on different platforms

Task: Produce a very dynamic, extremely confusing but synonymous text while sticking to the meaning. Make sure that you use different sentence structures throughout your response.

Step 4: Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy Creation

To reach your target audience effectively, you will need a multi-channel marketing strategy. This includes both online and offline channels like social media, email marketing, PR, influencer partnerships among others.

Action: Develop a detailed marketing plan that outlines which channels you’ll use, what type of content you’ll create and the timeline for each activity.

Social Media

Use platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to create buzz and interact with your followers. Employ relevant hashtags and collaborate with local influencers to extend your reach.

Email Marketing

Send out personalized invites as well as follow up emails to people in your mailing list. Showcase the main features of your product and offer exclusive deals to those who attend.

PR & Media Outreach

Approach local media houses and journalists in order to have them cover your event. Send press releases and invite them over for the launch.

Influencer Partnerships

Look for influencers within your locality who resonate with what your brand stands for. They can help spread word about the launch while creating authentic content that appeals to their followers too.

Step 5: Plan Engaging Activities

Make the launch fun by planning activities that will keep guests entertained while keeping them interested in what you have on offer. This could be live demos, Q&A sessions or interactive displays among others.

Action: Come up with an event agenda detailing all planned activities ensuring there is a good mix between informative and entertaining sessions so as not lose any of those present through boredom or information overload.

Step 6: Prepare Your Team

A successful product launch in Istanbul needs a team that is well prepared for it. Everyone involved should know what they are supposed to do at any given time during this period. Do some rehearsals as well as briefings where necessary so as to iron out any last minute glitches.

Action: Allocate duties and run through the event with your team making sure that everyone is on board and ready to execute their parts flawlessly.

Step 7: Execute with Precision

On the day of the event, it is important to be organized and focused. Ensure everything runs smoothly according to plan. Be prepared to handle any unexpected issues that may come up.

Action: Have a detailed checklist and timeline follow on the event day. Keep in touch with your team all times and remain flexible in case of changes.

Step 8: Post-Event Engagement

The product launch in Istanbul does not end when people leave your site or venue, you need to keep in touch with them. Send emails thanking them for attending; share post-event surveys, event highlights videos and pictures on social media; offer special promotions etc.

Action: Send personalized follow-up emails to attendees. Share photos and videos from the event on social media platforms as well as websites. Offer exclusive post-launch deals to keep your audience engaged.

Step 9: Analyze & Learn

Take time at the end of every project or campaign to analyze how things went if they were successful or not. Look at numbers like attendance figures, media coverage achieved during such times even sales made through different channels used among others. Establish what worked best where then find areas which need improvement next time round.

Action: Conduct post-event review together with team members involved gathering feedback insights which can be applied to future launches coming up later in life for products too being launched by the same organization elsewhere worldwide EGTEVENT included .


A good mastery of product launching process in Istanbul requires careful planning, precise marketing strategy creation along seamless implementation while considering these steps as well using EGTEVENT expertise will lead you closer towards achieving successful launch that leaves lasting impression among attendees

Do you want to bring your product launch to a higher level? Call us at +905352481779 to know more about creating an unforgettable event. Let’s make your product launch successful in the cultural capital of Turkey, Istanbul! Whether you are introducing a new product or bringing one into the Turkish market that is already in existence, these measures will help you organize a fruitful occasion. Remember to stay organized, think about who you want to reach and be ready for change. With thorough preparation and implementation, success is assured for a memorable and impactful presentation of products in Istanbul. Contact EGT EVENT for professional advice on how best plan an event while at it ensuring its successful execution within this lively city. We are excited about being part of making dreams come true during your next event! So stop procrastinating – start following this guideline today and prepare yourself for never-to-be-forgotten launches experience in istanbul! Have fun planning! -EGT EVENT Team

Egtevent Contact details:

Egtevent Office Address:  Şerfiali Mahallesi Şerifali Sitesi 23-27 Kat 5 Daire 20, 34775 Ataşehir, İstanbul, Türkiye  

Egtevent Email Address:  

Egtevent  Phone number: +905352481779

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